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Clery Act

As part of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)), otherwise known as the Clery Act, qualifying incidents reported to university police from various sources, including Campus Security Authorities (CSA), are required to be annually published and made available to the campus community. One purpose of the Clery Act is to encourage the reporting and collection of accurate campus crime statistics to promote crime awareness and enhance campus safety.

This report includes, but is not limited to, information on how to report crime(s) on campus, security of and access to campus facilities, crime prevention programs, and information in regards to preparing annual disclosure of crime stats. 

Clery Act Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2024

Please see the following Powerpoint for all the Clery Information.

Clery Training Powerpoint

Student Right to Know


Missing Student Protocol

Missing Student Protocol

Campus Security Authority Incident Report Form

To assist Austin Peay State University in complying with the federal Clery Act, this form should be utilized by Campus Security Authorities (CSA) to report crimes to Austin Peay Campus Police as soon as possible after a crime has been reported to the CSA. Under the Clery Act, a crime is reported to a CSA when a student, employee, or third party brings information about an alleged crime to the attention of the CSA and the CSA believes the report was made in good faith. Austin Peay Campus Police will use the information provided in this form to classify the crime for purposes of inclusion in the University’s annual crime statistics.

First name
Last name
Department you are from
Best phone number to contact you
Best email address to contact you
Where did the incident occurr?
Classification (Select One)*
Crime (Check all that apply)
To your knowledge, was this incident motivated by bias such as: