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Govs get involved!

Student organizations provide a valuable service to the campus community by promoting leadership development, community spirit, activism, public service, and social and cultural interaction. As a student of Austin Peay, you have the unique opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities.  With more than 140 clubs and organizations, we hope that the services we provide to you are as diverse as the organizations we serve. As you embark on this new academic year please know the Student Life and Engagement staff are here to assist you in whatever way possible.

What is a Student Organization? 

Student Organizations are registered by the University, but are student initiated and student led. The aims of the organization can be social, religious, political, educational, economic, or athletic in nature. Student organizations at Austin Peay provide leadership, scholarship, friendship, and much more. Organizations must relate directly to the mission, goals and objectives of Austin Peay State University. Membership  must be open to all 365bet students regardless of age, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or national origin. 

How much does it cost?

Most organizations have either monthly or annual dues. Cost also depends on the size of the organization, the organization's purpose, and the type of organization. Many of them are free!

What do I have to do to join?

ASK! Let an officer know that you are interested through PeayLink or stop by the Office of Student Life and Engagement to find out more information on any particular organization. Membership in some groups may only require you to sign up while others, such as honor societies, may require an upperclassman classification and earned GPA. Click here for more information about every organization at 365bet, and to begin connecting with the student leaders. 

Check out the Govs Guide for Student Organizations - this is a great resource for student organization officers, members and advisors.

Govs Guide